2 minute read

For all the folks starting holidays at this time of year, think of all of the systems administrators and others keeping the lights on. Here’s hoping everyone has quite on-call shifts.

For mysterious reasons issue #468 didn’t go out last Sunday as intended, so this weekend you should have a double issue to read.

From our sponsor, VictorOps

Ever find yourself asking, “How do I write Ansible playbooks for new Terraform servers?” Well, this new walkthrough from Splunk + VictorOps has your answer:


Lots of good sysadvent posts this week, including on error budgets, generating Inspec from Terraform, and introduction to data management with IRODS and more.

It’s easy to take API-driven infrastructure for granted if you don’t know what’s going on under the hood. This post presents a nice story of trying to build a hardware based cloud-like experience.

A good data migration story, in this case moving a data processing system over to BigQuery and then backfilling billions of events worth of data.

Introducing new terms is always fun, and one of those that’s garnered lovers and haters this last year has been devsecops. This post jumps in and breaks down some of the what, why and what’s next.

Scaling down is as important as scaling up, whether you’re thinking about single node, edge or development use cases. This post looks at a new OpenFaaS provider for containerd which removes the need for an orchestrator.

An interesting idea to support running commands on EC2 instances via Lambda functions rather than managing SSH jump boxes and the like.

With the ever wider usage of YAML for authored configuration the pointy edges of the spec are a common way of introducing bugs. A post on the problems with implicit typing in YAML and what you should do about it.

A handy checklist for running a service on Kubernetes. Covers everything from on-call and other operational concerns to CI/CD, security and application configuration.


Ytt is a new templating engine for YAML with a few interesting properties. The templates themselves are valid YAML documents and the focus is on data rather than text.

Kube-query is an extension for osquery which allows for querying the state of your Kubernetes cluster using osquery and SQL.

Ever find yourself asking, “How do I write Ansible playbooks for new Terraform servers?” Well, this new walkthrough from Splunk + VictorOps has your answer:
