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Incident management, terraform code organisation, supply chain attacks, debugging distributed systems and a range of other topics this week.

From our sponsor, VictorOps

[You’re Invited] Learn how to modernize your approach to incident management and slash MTTA/MTTR in the latest webinar from VictorOps + Splunk, Thursday, December 19th:


A post on the importance of learning from all the things you did right when considering incident management.

Usage of Terraform generally starts with a single repository, but over time a monolithic code base can become inflexible. This post explores some alternatives and when they may be relevant.

A look at the evolution of Helm, the Kubernetes package manager. Discussing the release of Helm 3 and making changes to widely adopted software projects.

Supply chain attacks, on shared package repositories, appear to be increasing. A good post on a recent example in the Python ecosystem.

Cold start has been a problem for some serverless usecases. This post explores the new provisioned concurrency feature in AWS, how it works, how you can monitor it and where teh edges are.

With the growth of microservices we saw systems built from a range of languages. As cloud native computing grows we’re seeing a similar polyglot pattern, in particular with container and serviceless based services.

A useful recap of common mistakes when looking to adopt devops practices, including focusing on a single devops team, adopting too many new tools too quickly and more.

Debugging distributed systems still often comes down to looking at what’s happening at the network layer. This post provides a quick introduction to tools like dig, nc, netstat and more.


Stacker is a new OCI image build tool supporting reproducible and unprivileged builds.

[You’re Invited] Learn how to modernize your approach to incident management and slash MTTA/MTTR in the latest webinar from VictorOps + Splunk, Thursday, December 19th:
