2 minute read

The first post this week about operating microservices reminds me that it’s easier to find content about technical solutions than about operating models or how to plan and organise operations. If anyone is looking for a good topic to write on, how new technology is changing operations would be a good choice.


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A reminder that microservices trade code complexity for operational complexity, and that means changing operating models from monolithic to service based in order to manage that complexity.

The subject of managing secrets in configuration management software is a thorny one. This quick blog post runs down the problems with common approaches nicely, as well as showing a demo of conjur.

The growing importance of schedulers leads to some overlap and potentially to a new set of utilisation problems. This post demonstrates integrating two common tools (Mesos for general workloads and YARN for Hadoop jobs) together using Myriad.

If you’re selecting a cloud provider and performance is a specific concern, then this benchmarking suite might be useful. It focuses on default configurations and uses a number of existing benchmarking tools under the hood.

A solid argument that the state of monitoring is actually better than we think, and that means expanding the definition to include areas to improve, including signal detection, contextualizing alerts and event correlation.

A nice post on using Docker to run Jenkins, including showing how to extend the official image with your own plugins and how to backup data.

A post looking at Docker from the point of view of Java and the JVM. A few interesting observations about memory allocation and JVM profiling inside a container as well as a rundown of what Docker is and isn’t.


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Weaveworks is hiring software developers in London. The purpose of Weave is to enable all developers, no matter what their background, to take advantage of container technologies such as Docker and build better software applications.


Project Jellyfish is a broker system. It allows admins to create a product catalog of any type of service (SaaS, IaaS, PaaS, etc.) and allows them to be assigned a cost, and then users can create projects and add those services to a project.

Cram is a testing framework for command line applications. Cram tests look like snippets of interactive shell sessions which makes writing tests nice and easy.

Building system packages always required a fairly good understanding of the packaging tool chain, and building packages for different operating systems required even more work. This project uses Docker under the hood to create reproducible RPM build environments nicely.

Devops Weekly is sponsored by Brightbox Cloud - serious UK-based cloud infrastructure from only 1.5p per hour (£10.95/month)

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