1 minute read

eBPF, OIDC, A 20 year journey to fixing profiling, a platform maturity model and a range of other topics this week.

StackHawk sponsors Devops Weekly

[ICYMI] DAST is Dead! Long Live DAST! The Evolution of Dynamic API security Testing webinar is now available on YouTube. Watch on-demand here.


A good post highlighting the importance of OpenID Connect, looking at fine-grained RBAC for GitHub Action using Vault.

An exciting 20 year journey to fix frame pointers in Linux so that profilers can work more accurately.

A look at the recently published CNCF platform maturity model and how you can use it to assess your current platform investments.

A look at the native sidecar capabilities in Kubernetes 1.29+ for Jobs and CronJobs. A very nice quality of life improvement that simplifies a common use case.

CI and testing infrastructure are too often not treated like the production environments they are. This post explores how you can use monitoring tools to improve the developer experience for CI systems.

A post on using Tetragon for monitoring file change events, and why eBPF makes things like this scalable.

A run down of some of the problems with documenting software projects, and why storing the documentation with the code can have benefits.


Bytesize Architecture Sessions are a prescriptive format for a 45m to 90m architecture session focused on helping teams build a shared language and common understanding of a system.
