1 minute read

Event driven architectures, launching new services at scale, designing alerting systems, software supply chain security, release engineering and SQL. A nice range of classic operations topics with modern updates.

StackHawk sponsors Devops Weekly

[June 22] How to Shift Left: People, Process, and Technology. In this webinar, StackHawk CSO, Scott Gerlach teams up with PagerDuty Security Engineer, James Berthoty to discuss the infrastructure, workflows, and collaboration required to adopt developer-first security.


A post on designing an alerting strategy, looking at industry frameworks, prioritisation, routing alert messages and more.

Launching a new service at scale from day one comes with unique challenges. This post looks at replaying traffic, chaos experiments, traffic simulation and high volume load testing.

Event-based architectures allow for decoupled service communications, but require agreement on event formats. This post looks at managing schemas and handling standardisation across teams.

Another event-driven architecture post, this one providing a useful classification of different event-driven approaches.

Dockerfile is ubiquitous, but if you’d rather write container build scripts in other languages then Dagger allows that and lots more. Nice example.

A post on work the Argo project is doing to secure its supply chain. A good case study for implementing SLSA, and explaining some of the terminology around attestations and provenance.

A good argument for new databases to support SQL.


A look at cargo-dist, a new release engineering tool for Rust projects. The blog post does a good job as well of talking about the fun of release engineering in general.

A packaged set of Terraform code that helps with spinning up self-hosted GitHub Action runners on GCP.
