1 minute read

Everything from data engineering to Serverless operations and consensus algorithms to Kubernetes this week.

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There are lots of tools for storing data, but how do you find the right dataset for analysis? This post explores a number of different architectural approaches and discusses pros and cons.

A good writeup from a recent AWS reInvent talk focused on AWS’s Serverless services. This post focused on what this means for operations, which is often neatly ignored in the marketing.

Related to a large CDN outage, this post looks at some of the theory behind the RAFT consensus algorithm, and whether it provides liveness guareeness during network failures and what can be done about it.

This long read introduces YOLOSec and FOMOSec as terms to describe problematic but all-to-common approaches to security strategy, driven either by short-termism or by chasing fashion.

More and more teams are now needing to manage multiple Kubernetes clusters. This post takes a look at the monitoring challenges that brings, and how to solve them with Prometheus and Grafana.

A post exploring DNS routing in Kubernetes, stepping through several potential solutions to a specific problem.

Ensuring SSL certificates don’t expire is an essential if annoying problem, and several services exist to help. This post runs down a list of different solutions.

A look at building a Kubernetes-based platform using Argo Workflows and Argo Events.
