1 minute read

Alerting on SLOs, testing in production, UNIX programming fundamentals, Kubernetes dashboards and a handy tool for tagging cloud resources with Terraform.

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Setting up a CD pipeline in 5 minutes? It’s actually doable these days with off the shelf tools. Check out how:

About env0: use Terraform to let your team manage their own environments in AWS, Azure and Google. Governed by your policies and with complete visibility & cost management.


Describing policy (or in fact configuration in general) in machine-readable form quickly gets into a conversation over whether you should prefer data, a general programming language or a DSL. This post does a good job of explaining why.

An excellent post on moving to alerts based on service-level objectives, SLOs. Covers the why and how, based on documents used internally to make the case for the change.

A discussion of the need to test in production and an introduction to the dark canary pattern for doing so safely.

A look at a tool-agnostic architectural framework for building resilient systems, focused around predictability, observability, recoverability and keeping things simple.

A look at a range of Kubernetes local clients/dashboards including Octant, Kubenav, Lens and more.

Even with all the talk of cloud native, it’s still super useful for lots of roles to have a solid grounding in UNIX programming. This Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment course is not available completely online.

Have you ever wanted to write Python inside your SQL queries? Well now you can with Postgres using PL/Python. These post act as an introduction and show off some interesting demos with embedded numpy.

An introduction to Open Policy Agent Gatekeeper, specifically looking at addressing issues with the built-in pod security policies feature in Kubernetes.

GitHub Actions is still relatively new, but there is already a huge amount of content available for it. This post looks at various actions for analyzing code for security problems.


Terratag is a new CLI tool that enables users of Terraform to automatically create and maintain tags across their entire set of AWS, Azure, and GCP resources
