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Feature flags, incident response, complex adaptive systems and the return of Devops Days in a virtual format. Lots of variety this week.

env0 sponsors Devops Weekly

Preview environments give you better control over your infrastructure and a more reliable deployment setup. Check out how to set them up with Terraform.

About env0: use Terraform to let your team manage their own environments in AWS, Azure and Google. Governed by your policies and with complete visibility & cost management.


A good inside view of a series of incidents. Load balancer firmware, network connectivity issues and how it feels to be on the other side of an emerging incident.

A set of principles for managing feature toggles in teams, from making them visible to ensuring they are short lived.

A discussion of complex adaptive systems in relation to IT service management. Interesting points about the importance of constraint to limit negative emergent behaviour.

Devops Days made a comeback in Chicago, with an online version. Talks on resilience engineering, growing a local devops community, chaos engineering as well as ignites and breakouts.

Tips for using third party software packages and images from public repositories, including considering availability, rebuilding from source and local caches.

Open Policy Agent is powerful, but like any new tool has a learning curve. This 30 minute tutorial takes you through learning the basics of the Rego language.

An excellent introduction to the basics of Kubernetes, covering core components, the general architecture and deploying your first applications.


oso is an open source policy engine for authorization that you can embed in your Java, Python, Ruby or Node application. It provides a consistent DSL and some good getting started documentation.

Gitleaks is a handy tool for detecting secrets in Git repositories, with integration with GitHub Actions and the ability to scan all repos in an organisation.

Continuous Machine Learning (CML) is an open-source library for CI/CD in machine learning projects. Automate model training and evaluation, comparing ML experiments across your project history, and monitoring changing datasets.
