1 minute read

Lots of great content this week, from post-indent reviews to infosec/operations collaboration, microservices testing, API transport options and more.

From our sponsor, VictorOps

Our people and tools need to be connected now more than ever before. That’s why VictorOps is offering free, 90-day extended Enterprise trials for on-call incident response and alert management, up to 100 users, to anyone who needs it:


Post-incident reviews are increasingly common, but how many of them focus on learning from incidents vs blame or simplistic understanding? This deck contains lots of tips for how to improve the practice.

A detailed tutorial on how to build a GitHub Action. Covers everything from managing dependencies to testing and releasing the Action.

A podcast recording (and handily notes) on microservices testing approaches, covering everything from bridging technology generations to the pros and cons of local tools vs remote/staging environments.

An in-depth post on the need for coordination between operations and information security folks, looking at the benefits of organising games to improve coordination.

A series of blog posts looking at the foundations of Open Policy Agent, and exploring the Rego policy language.

An opinionated take on API transports, comparing gRPC, OpenAPI and REST style APIs and when to choose which option.

A look at building a LinuxKit virtual machine to run on Azure, specifically for running container workloads.

A post on hosting your own Helm Chart repository on Google Cloud, using Terraform and CircleCI in the mix.

If you find yourself writing or editing lots of Kubernetes YAML files in Vim this post is for you. It shows how to configure a language server to provide autocompletion and inline hints for the various properties.

A good list for anyone interested in bare metal provisioning and management tools.


Pomerium is an identity-aware proxy that enables secure access to internal applications, providing an interesting alternative to custom authentication systems and VPNs.

Our people and tools need to be connected now more than ever before. That’s why VictorOps is offering free, 90-day extended Enterprise trials for on-call incident response and alert management, up to 100 users, to anyone who needs it:
