1 minute read

Several posts on modern network stacks, discussion of application security, standard interfaces, packaging and serverless adoption this week.

From our sponsor, VictorOps

What’s the most important metric for SRE? Well, Splunk Cloud Platform SRE, Jonathan Schwietert, argues that it’s customer happiness. On Tuesday (03/17), join Splunk + VictorOps for a webinar about using SRE and observability to build customer-first applications and services:


A post (fair warning, from one of my colleagues) on the ongoing evolution of application security as cloud adoption shifts more responsibilities towards developers.

Some interesting data points from a recent survey on Serverless adoption. Everything from concerns and benefits to adoption and tooling.

A nice example of building a deployment workflow for network code, in this case with Calico. Lots of demos, including using Conftest and GitHub Actions to verify network policies and ArgoCD to deploy it.

A discussion of where the CNAB (Cloud Native Application Bundles) packaging format fits in, and how it bridges technologies to enable a more PaaS-like experience for users.

A post on the evolution of interfaces in open source infrastructure, looking mainly at Kubernetes the work done on CNI, CRI, CSI and SMI.

The Bazel build-tool has a high barrier to entry. This post is a good starting point if you’re building Go applications and outputting to container images.

A look at CIlium Cluster Mesh, including a deep-dive into eBPF and CNI networking stacks.


Monitoror is a wallboard monitoring app to monitor server status; monitor CI builds progress or even display critical values.

What’s the most important metric for SRE? Well, Splunk Cloud Platform SRE, Jonathan Schwietert, argues that it’s customer happiness. On Tuesday (03/17), join Splunk + VictorOps for a webinar about using SRE and observability to build customer-first applications and services:
