2 minute read

Starting off with several solid practical posts this week, with advice on adopting CI/CD, secure system design, and embracing sustainable operations practices.

From our sponsor, VictorOps

See how adopting DevOps and SRE methodologies can lead to faster and more reliable deployments. In the free eBook, Creating a Culture of Reliability, VictorOps talks about exactly how and why they implemented their own SRE and DevOps practices:


A good post on what it takes to adopt CI/CD practices, looking at build and release engineering, monitoring, testing and more.

A series of posts covering a set of design principles for building secure modern systems. The set of anti-patterns in particular makes for interesting reading for anyone interested in system design.

A detailed post on the importance of production excellence. Why simply giving folks the keys to production isn’t enough, and why various aspects of operations are essential for high-quality systems.

An interesting look at a new configuration tool with an interactive CLI tool vs more file management. Based on some survey research which has some interesting questions too.

A post partly about the AWS SQS service, but more about why queuing systems are at the heart of building scalable architectures.

Kind is a tool designed for testing other Kubernetes tools. It makes it trivial to spin up ephemeral clusters on top of Docker. This post uses Kind with a simple Makefile to build a simple provisioning tool.

A comparison of some aspects of the AWS and Azure serverless offerings. Looking at the differences in pricing, language support, deployment options and state management amongst other areas.


Kui is described as a hybrid CLI/UI development experience for cloud-native applications. It provides similar functionality to parts of kubectl, but combines a terminal with rich GUI output as well. Interesting tool and a novel user interface.

Homebrew is a popular package manager for macOS. Homebrew Bundle provides a way of describing in a single file all the desired packages, and then installing them in one command. Handy for sharing dependencies between machines.

High-level Kubernetes tooling has often been restricted to Go, so it’s nice to see tools like kopf appearing. Kopf is a Python library for writing Kubernetes operators, with a simple API and lots of examples.

See how adopting DevOps and SRE methodologies can lead to faster and more reliable deployments. In the free eBook, Creating a Culture of Reliability, VictorOps talks about exactly how and why they implemented their own SRE and DevOps practices:
