1 minute read

Lots of variety this week, from on-call, devops misconceptions and future architectures to software versioning and new configuration and policy enforcement tooling.

From our sponsor, VictorOps

Establishing an effective post-incident review process and taking the time to execute on it makes a world of difference in software reliability. See this example of a post-incident review process that’s already helping DevOps teams continuously improve:


A good explanation of using Open Policy Agent for securing the Kubernetes API, with examples and a discussion of the challenges of securing the resource API.

A post looking at a few misconceptions around what devops is, and delving in to two patterns for improving release safety and cadence with relational databases.

Results from a recent survey focused on on-call compensation. Interesting data on whether people are paid for on-call, how that compensation works, how teams are structures for on-call and more.

Software versioning has a large impact on managing software and configuration, and SemVer has a part to play in many ecosystems. So it’s interesting to note that some folks are looking to maintain the SemVer spec.

A speculative post on what the next architecture after serverless may look like. I think this focuses on what’s technically possible, but I’d love to see discussion of the process and practice side of architecture.

GitHub pages has lots of potential for automating common problems that center around code repositories. This post shows how to publish Helm charts in your own repos using GitHub Pages and Actions.


jk is a data templating tool designed to help writing structured configuration files in TypeScript or Javascript. Jk features a mixin system and already has a Kubernetes module.

Kamus is a secrets management tool for Kubernetes, it enable users to easily encrypt secrets than can be decrypted only by the application running on Kubernetes.

Establishing an effective post-incident review process and taking the time to execute on it makes a world of difference in software reliability. See this example of a post-incident review process that’s already helping DevOps teams continuously improve:
