1 minute read

I’m in Barcelona in the run up to DockerCon, so this weeks issue is a little abbridge. Still, several interesting posts on choosing serverless tooling, how we could make documentation a more first-class part of out development practices and more.

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Don’t allow alert fatigue to affect the productivity of DevOps teams or the reliability of the underlying services. Learn more about what causes alert fatigue and how you can mitigate some of the negative side effects:


A good argument for starting your serverless journey using a developer framework that takes away some of the configuration complexity.

The recent HashiConf had a wide range of talks on Consul, Vault, Nomad and tools often used together with them. All of the videos from the talks are now available and worth browsing through.

A well argued case for making documentation a first-class part of how we build container images, with some neat ideas for the user experience. I’d love to see this sort of feature.

A good detailed explanation of what really is a Docker image. It shows with simple examples how to dive into layers and what happens when you run the image.

There have been a number of serverless vs containers discussions recently, this post makes some good arguments about it being the wrong framing in many cases.

A discussion of rollback strategies for immutable infrastructure, looking in particular at patterns on AWS ECS.


Firecracker is an open source virtualization technology that is purpose-built for creating and managing secure, multi-tenant containers and functions-based services. It’s used to provide fast booting but isolated VMs.

Cloud Discovery is a new tool for finding out what you have in your various cloud environments. Just provide your API credentials and cloud disocvery will provide useful lists and detect some known security-related mis-configurations.

Quack is Mutating Webhook Admission Controller for Kubernetes which introduces the idea of server-side template rendering. Quack is intended for templating cluster-wide environment values such as the cluster name, region and environment.

Don’t allow alert fatigue to affect the productivity of DevOps teams or the reliability of the underlying services. Learn more about what causes alert fatigue and how you can mitigate some of the negative side effects:
