3 minute read

A bit of a bumper issue this week if I do say so myself. Lots of individual blog posts, videos from the excellent LISA16 conference, some interesting new tools and a great set of incident response documentation. Enjoy.


The “2016/17 State of On-Call” report from VictorOps is now available to download. Learn what 800+ respondents have to say about life on-call, and steps they’re taking to make it better. Get your free copy here:


DevOps adoption stuck in “analysis paralysis”? Get unstuck

Join us January 12th at 1:00 PM ET for practical tips that all IT groups from Dev to Ops can use to start their DevOps journey quickly. With experience from hundreds of DevOps deployments, Andreas Grabner, Chief DevOps Activist at Dynatrace, will provide insights it would take your team months or years to learn firsthand. Can’t make it? Register and we’ll send you the replay.


Being on-call and incident response are recurring topics for the newsletter so this new site is well worth a read. In-depth guides on preparing an on-call schedule, responding to events and what to do afterwards. It’s available under an Apache license as well so you can use it in your organisation.

The videos from all the LISA16 talks have been posted, and a whole bunch are likely relevant to readers. A whole range of talks on monitoring, load balancers, discussions of operations as a discipline and lots of talks about operations culture.

A good look under the hood of the Docker daemon, looking at dockerd, containerd, runc and how the processes work together.

How containers get rebuilt is an unsolved problem for many, and the nature of how most people are using containers (with an embedded operating system) can lead to some critical issues.

A thorough hello world walkthrough for using Concourse CI for continuous integration. Lots of code examples and screenshots.

A nice example of using various AWS services to ensure end-to-end encryption of application traffic. A nice non-trivial CLoudFormation example ties it together.

I’ve included several links to The Morning Paper over the last year or so, but this catch up of some of the highlights is worth reading for newcomers or folks not already subscribed.

Security is now firmly embedded as one of the strands of devops I think. This post goes into detail about adding security testing to a continuous delivery pipeline

Some good tips for anyone wanting to make sure there Docker images are up to date with security patches.

A nice detailed set of content for anyone deploying OpenShift in a secure environment, especially in the US Federal Government. It covers specific compliance regimes and a long list of controls.

Some discussion and ideas about how Docker Swarm could facilitate a serverless or function-as-a-service mode.


Free Introduction to Cloud Native Networking on January 12th 2017

Join experts from Weaveworks and Tigera (the people behind Calico) for a free introduction to cloud native networking as part of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s new webinar series. Networking knowledge is becoming essential for developers so grab a spot while you still can:


Riffyn (Oakland, CA) seeks a lead DevOps engineer to operate and scale our development and production infrastructure on AWS, and support operational integrations with Riffyn’s enterprise customers. Riffyn provides research design and analytics software (SaaS) to global biotech, pharmaceutical, food and chemical companies. Riffyn offers a unique “design-first” approach to scientific product development to bring medicines and greener materials to market faster.


Salt Lake City Devopsdays is coming up on May 16th and 17th. The organisers are looking for talks and ignites and have a CFP open until February 15th.


Cherami is a new distributed, scalable, durable, and highly available message queue system. The accompanying blog post does a good job of explaining why another queuing server, and the animations give you a good sense of the design.

Grumpy is a Python to Go source code transcompiler and runtime. That means you can convert your Python code to a Go static binary, avoiding the python global interpreter lock and runtime dependency. Still early days but very interesting.

The “2016/17 State of On-Call” report from VictorOps is now available to download. Learn what 800+ respondents have to say about life on-call, and steps they’re taking to make it better. Get your free copy here:
