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DEVOPS WEEKLY ISSUE #188 - 10th August 2014

2 minute read

I think the reason I still look forward to putting together this newsletter each week is the variety, I do hope everyone else feels the same. This week we ha...

DEVOPS WEEKLY ISSUE #187 - 3rd August 2014

2 minute read

Today’s issue is a little later than usual as I’ve been on holiday for a few days. Lots to catch up on, with lots of detailed posts about peoples individual ...

DEVOPS WEEKLY ISSUE #186 - 27th July 2014

3 minute read

Lots of tools this week, from infrastructure testing and development environments to log file parsing and monitoring dashboards. I’ve also included an academ...

DEVOPS WEEKLY ISSUE #185 - 20th July 2014

2 minute read

Some big personal news from me this week. After 3 years working for the UK government I’m leaving to work for Puppet Labs out of London from September. With ...

DEVOPS WEEKLY ISSUE #184 - 13th July 2014

3 minute read

One blog post and a few tools this week confirming something I’ve been seeing too; traditional networking is definitely becoming more interesting to the devo...

DEVOPS WEEKLY ISSUE #183 - 6th July 2014

3 minute read

Two of the featured tools this week (Puppet Explorer and Tesera) reminded me just how far we’ve come in only a few years with really nice looking user interf...

DEVOPS WEEKLY ISSUE #182 - 29th June 2014

3 minute read

I’m writing this quickly from San Jose airport before flying back to the UK, which is why most people will be receiving this issue 8 hours or so later that u...

DEVOPS WEEKLY ISSUE #181 - 22nd June 2014

2 minute read

A relatively short issue this week as I’m writing this in the airport before flying out to Santa Clara for Velocity and Devopsdays. Which should mean lots of...

DEVOPS WEEKLY ISSUE #180 - 15th June 2014

2 minute read

Lots of docker shaped content this week after the fantastic looking DockerCon finished a few days ago. Next weeks issue may be a day or so late as I’m travel...

DEVOPS WEEKLY ISSUE #179 - 8th June 2014

4 minute read

A couple of Devopsdays related posts this week made me head over to the Devopsdays site to see just how many events are happening. The map currently has 11, ...