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DEVOPS WEEKLY ISSUE #168 - 23rd March 2014

2 minute read

Lots of talk of testing and of organisation design at the moment in the devops community, at least based on posts I read this week. Also I’m seeing more peop...

DEVOPS WEEKLY ISSUE #167 - 16th March 2014

2 minute read

Lots of pretty in-depth discussions about configuration management, or at least configuration management tooling, this week. Lots of differing opinions, soli...

DEVOPS WEEKLY ISSUE #166 - 9th March 2014

2 minute read

Lots of real world stories this week, including details of money and people and organisational structure. The devops community suddenly feels like it’s more ...

DEVOPS WEEKLY ISSUE #165 - 2nd March 2014

3 minute read

Devops weekly now has more than 10,000 subscribers. Given that when I started this newsletter 3 years ago probably only hundreds of people had even heard the...

DEVOPS WEEKLY ISSUE #161 - 2nd February 2014

3 minute read

I’m writing today’s newsletter live from FOSDEM which has been the usual mix of interesting talks and interesting people. I’m then heading off to Configurati...