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DEVOPS WEEKLY ISSUE #196 - 5th October 2014

3 minute read

I talked at PupppetConf about how I think we’re still edging slowly towards infrastructure as code. A few of the links before point in that direction, with a...

DEVOPS WEEKLY ISSUE #191 - 31st August 2014

3 minute read

Just a reminder that I’ll be in Portland for next weeks issue, so the newsletter will be arriving about 8 hours later that usual. Don’t panic. Also if you’re...

DEVOPS WEEKLY ISSUE #190 - 24th August 2014

3 minute read

I’ve been on holiday this week so it’s a relatively short issue, but lots of interesting bits and pieces to read. Next Sunday is another attempt to write the...

DEVOPS WEEKLY ISSUE #189 - 17th August 2014

3 minute read

Seeing the speakers being announced for the The DevOps Enterprise Summit makes me realise just how much interest there is in the approaches, philosophy and t...