DEVOPS WEEKLY ISSUE #371 - 4th February 2018
A little late sending the newsletter this weekend as it’s the yearly visit to FOSDEM and Configuration Management in Brussels and Gent. Hopefully I’ll gather a few slides and talks together for next weekends issue.
ChatOps continues to gain momentum in all industries. See what Jason Hand had to say about the progression
An interesting look at how AWS uses time-sharing to allocate CPU cycles to Lambda functions, and how higher-memory also equates to more available CPU.
A great, detailed, post on building a development infrastructure for a large slow running test suite. The main things I like where stepping through the constraints of the system, context at the time and eventual design decisions made.
The technique called branch by abstraction is one way to manage a fast moving codebase, but understanding exactly how to apply it can be tricky. This sites carries lots of diagrams and a well reasoned argument for not branching in the source code management system.
A good post putting Serverless in context with PaaS and in particular what the big-picture looks like for AWS.
A nice set of principles for testing software, particularly aimed at testers or developers more familiar with a manual approach to building quality software.
The Azure FaaS platform is also available to run on your own hosts, and this post explains how you can get the runtime running on Kubernetes.
A post on a new approach to Kubernetes networking, cni-ipvlan-vpc-k8s provides a set of CNI and IPAM plugins implementing a simple, fast, and low latency networking stack for running Kubernetes within Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs) on AWS.
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Free Webinar - Machine Learning and AI in the Datacenter and How it Will Affect You
February 6, Online
Join us for a fast-paced introduction to machine learning and how it actually works, as well as a look at what it might look like in action in your datacenter — especially in terms of projects that already exist.
Free Webinar - Deployment Strategies on Kubernetes
February 13, Online
Take a practical look at the different strategies to deploy an application to Kubernetes. We list the pros and cons of each strategy and define which one to adopt depending on real world examples and use cases.
Propone is a very interesting looking project which provides a tool for writing network-wide routing policy which can generate a highly scalable, and completely distributed eBGP implementation for every device in the network
Watchmen provides a way of monitoring AWS accounts for compliance with internal polcies based on custom rules. It runs as a native AWS application, using Lambda, ElasticSearch, CloudWatch and more.
ChatOps continues to gain momentum in all industries. See what Jason Hand had to say about the progression