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DEVOPS WEEKLY ISSUE #138 - 26th August 2013

3 minute read

Apologies for the delay in sending this weeks Devops Weekly. I spent most of Sunday on a flight back from PuppetConf and decided to leave the newsletter unti...

DEVOPS WEEKLY ISSUE #137 - 18th August 2013

2 minute read

I’m in San Francisco this coming week for PuppetConf. If anyone is around and wants to meetup let me know at @garethr on Twitter. If I’ve got the timing righ...

DEVOPS WEEKLY ISSUE #136 - 11th August 2013

2 minute read

Lots of content relevant to people working in large organisations this week. From risk management theatre to how to work devops into an ITIL minded organisat...

DEVOPS WEEKLY ISSUE #135 - 4th August 2013

2 minute read

A bunch of interesting technology posts and tutorials this week along with a scattering of process and business content. In the tools section Minion (from Mo...

DEVOPS WEEKLY ISSUE #134 - 28th July 2013

2 minute read

A few good talks about deployment this week, as well as a scattering of security discussion, a deep dive into some hardware and more details about PuppetConf...

DEVOPS WEEKLY ISSUE #133 - 21st July 2013

3 minute read

It’s interesting to see ecosystems emerge around certain tools. Both Chef and Puppet have had an active community for a while not just using the core tool bu...

DEVOPS WEEKLY ISSUE #132 - 14th July 2013

2 minute read

Back from a busy few days at RAMP in Budapest talking about all things scaling and just in time to catch up with everything from Devops Down Under. Conferenc...

DEVOPS WEEKLY ISSUE #130 - 30th June 2013

2 minute read

A bit of a mix of new tools, old tools, tutorials, presentations and introductions this week. Oh, and a new Linux based operating system with some ideas I’d ...

DEVOPS WEEKLY ISSUE #129 - 23rd June 2013

3 minute read

Another bumper issue; lots of talks, news, discussion and tools to keep people busy this week. I’m on the lookout for content from Devopsdays Santa Clara whi...

DEVOPS WEEKLY ISSUE #128 - 16th June 2013

2 minute read

Velocity kicks off in just a few days. For all those heading to Santa Clara first off have a great time. Second, please email or tweet @garethr with any stor...